The Montenegrin Association of Architects hosted the sixth Salon of Montenegrin Architecture from December 5th to 11th. This biennial event highlights and celebrates achievements in Montenegrin architecture and interior design, with an international jury selecting award recipients across multiple categories. The exhibition of submitted works serves as a professional networking event, providing a forum for assessing the state of the profession and facilitating knowledge and experience sharing, alongside opportunities for social interaction.

This year’s Salon held special significance as it marked the Association of Architects of Montenegro’s 20th anniversary of successful operation. Themed “Urban Echo”, the Salon emphasized architects’ privileged responsibility to thoughtfully design spaces, acknowledging architecture’s influence on human behavior.

At the VI Salon of Montenegrin Architecture, the Day Care Center for the Elderly design received international commendation.

NRA’s Jovan Balandžić presented the project in a highly creative and engaging manner, to the satisfaction of all attendees.

We are delighted and proud of our colleagues’ continued recognition for their exceptional and thoughtful work.