Primary Health Care Facility – City kvart

The City kvart Primary Health Care Center's conceptual design is founded on the fundamental principle of duality. This principle, representing the inherent interplay of opposing forces, is a cornerstone of natural systems. However, this opposition is ultimately harmonious, as each state of being possesses a natural counterpart, creating a balanced entity.
City kvart
9.978,05 m2

The proposed conceptual design's duality is reflected in the idea of „ins“ and “outs” – once inside, one is immediately outside, while yet remaining inside. Healthcare centers are not typically places of immense joy and pleasantness, a natural consequence of their primary function. The core function of these facilities will always remain the same, and architecture, as a practical art form dedicated to serving humanity, can explore alternative approaches to their design and improve the user experience for all individuals who will inevitably utilize them.


A casual observer might not immediately notice the interplay between the building’s aesthetic design and its functional layout; from the outside, it appears to be a simple, unvaried, minimalist structure. However, the interior design is quite unexpected; it doesn’t immediately feel like a healthcare center, but rather a building with a different purpose. The dual nature is evident here: the main entrance opens to a landscaped area featuring carefully chosen greenery, creating a sense of calm within a tipically stresfull setting.

The Primary Healthcare Center’s design incorporates all necessary departments, strategically interconnected to ensure efficient service delivery and patient accessibility.

The building’s façade incorporates four distinct material types: a white plasticized aluminum-lath envelope for privacy and structural separation from adjacent buildings; a central glass curtain wall to maximize interior transparency; Fundermax panels in green to highlight portions of the building’s entrance, and a silicone-silicate beige render for the core’s exterior walls, to frame the glass curtain wall.


The soft landscape design incorporates minimalist aesthetics, featuring elevated, triangular green spaces. These concrete islands, painted white, are filled with soil to support indigenous tree and shrub species. Two pavement types are offered: hexagonal concrete slabs, evoking a rustic aesthetic and enhancing exterior warmth for patient comfort; and large, gray concrete slabs, providing a minimalist, contemporary feel. The urban furniture features a minimalist aesthetic with simplistic forms, constructed entirely from Fundermax panels in a wood-like finish. The building’s interior design prioritizes the incorporation of numerous glass panels to foster transparency in doctor-patient interactions. To create a warmer and more pleasant atmosphere for patients, wooden elements with a green emphasis have been incorporated, complementing the cool tones of the glass.



Project Lead
Nikola Radović
Nikola Radović, Sonja Milićević, Kristina Radović, Nina Simović, Tijana Jolović, Danilo Đurišić, Novica Marković
NRA Atelier